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Nursing New "Normal" nurse leadership self care


Angie here! Watch this quick video where I talk about what the new nursing normal can look like for a better future. 

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To the Nurses Who Saved Patrick nurse leadership story


Patrick is 42 yrs. old with 2 young children, now engaged to his love, Wendy, and gets to love her 2 kiddos too. A year ago, his health crashed and his organs shut down in a matter of hours. With liver and kidney transplants, he is a miracle made...

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Nursing is in a Full Blown Crisis nurse leadership

Nursing is experiencing a full blown crisis

For as long as I can remember there's never been enough nurses to do all that's asked and expected. In a broken system struggling with an all time turnover high and retention low, Covid19 has brought what was already under pressure, to a boiling...

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The Future of Nursing Is You nurse leadership

Nursing has never been easy, but it's off-the-charts hard these days.

More and more responsibility is added to your plate everyday. Endless paperwork, constant changes, not enough time for patient/family care, relationships at work are challenging, and you have no energy left for the ones at home...

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